

The war is over - and the German troops in Denmark have been ordered to march back to Schleswig.

About 1,000 soldiers must clean up after themselves - and remove the mines they have laid out.

But they would rather go home to the family - but the escape goes through a minefield.


Price per person
2 Persons
325 dkk.
3 Persons
265 dkk.
4 Persons
240 dkk.
5 Persons
215 dkk.
6 Persons
200 dkk.

The Story Behind

From the spring of 1942 until the liberation, the German military increasingly prepared to defend itself against an Allied landing from the west. From the North Cape in the north to the border between France and Spain in the south, a huge defensive system emerged at an accelerated pace: the Atlantic Wall.

In Denmark, the occupying forces considered the Jutlandic west coast to be the most likely target for an Allied landing, and the construction of thousands of defensive bunkers in the Danish part of the Atlantic Wall gained momentum.

At the same time, the German occupying forces laid millions of land and sea mines along the coasts of the North Sea and the Atlantic.

The minefields formed a belt along the Danish west coast and, together with barbed wire entanglements and concrete bunkers, were an essential part of the German defensive strategy against an Allied landing.


You can play in English.

The game is suitable for 2 to 6 players.

Tirpitz can be played from age 8 and up.

You have 60 minutes to complete your mission.

Please arrive approximately 10 minutes before your game time begins.